How online shopping and pick up works
Shop our online store and build your shopping cart based on what’s available. We update our inventory twice per week (Monday and Thursday mornings). Pay for your order via the online checkout and pickup at one of two convenient pickup locations:
Humble Roots Farm (Pickup starts Wednesday and Saturday)
1247 Scotts Hill Loop Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411
Hemp Farmacy (Pickup starts Thursday)
1402 - 1 S College Rd. Wilmington, NC 28403
For orders placed by Tuesday 1:30 PM, your pick up window runs from Wednesday 9:00 am-Friday 8:00 pm (for Farm pickup) OR Thursday 10:00 am-Saturday 7:00 pm (for Hemp Farmacy pickup).
For orders placed by Friday 1:30 PM, your pick up window runs from Saturday 9:00am-Tuesday 8:00pm (Farm pickup only).
At the end of the three day window, if you haven’t picked up your order without letting us know about any complications, we will donate it. This is to ensure we have enough room for the next week’s orders. If you can’t pick up within 3 days for some reason just let us know.
Upon arrival to our Farm Stand you will find chest freezers and a reach in glass door refrigerator containing your order.
When you arrive to pick up your order at the Hemp Farmacy, you’ll find your items in the freezer and refrigerator in the lobby.
For produce: Our refrigerators will have a bag with your last name on it containing your produce. Eggs will be separate, but labeled with your last name. It’s also possible your order will not be bagged if you order just one item, but this item will be labeled with your last name.
For meat: Check both freezers at the Farm Stand. Your meat will be in a plastic bag with your name labeled on it.
Enjoy your food and tell your friends! We want to make the online shopping and pick up experience as flawless and convenient as possible. If you love it, tell someone! We are so grateful for your support!
NOTE: Our Farm Stand is located immediately to the right as soon as you turn in the driveway from Scotts Hill Loop Rd.